Big news for all the online casino lovers. The regulated markets are here to stay, and that doesn’t mean the gambling industry is slowing down. The iGaming scenario is changing in a way no one predicted. Let us explain you in the following paragraphs.
Everyone thought that after regulating the online casino industry, the operators would have less revenue and be forced reduce their payouts. Many of the gaming providers were cautious about what this new rules could bring negatively to their markets. But that isn’t really necessary.
Speculators were saying that by paying more fees and taxes to the countries they operate, the casinos would have to take necessary measures to keep in the profits, which could lead to lower jackpots and secondarily to less players feeling tempted to gamble. Even tho this casino sites were specially made to bring fun , joy and money to the gamblers, they would have to keep profits so the business would not turn bankrupt.
However, against all the odds. the new statistics just revealed by some countries show the totally opposite scenario.
As the gambling is now regulated people feel like it is safer to play online casino more! It’s obvious that the taxes applied to these luck games cut the prizes by a fair percentage, but in other hand, people are gambling more and more in this legalized websites.
The Portuguese game regulators (SRIJ) just revealed a report that online gambling in the small country gave the amazing profit of 38 million euros just in the first trimester of 2019.
Now if we think, if Portugal that is such a small country (in general income and also population) and still could bring 38 million euros in revenue, what could happen in other countries? Take the example of Germany and the Netherlands that have 20 times more population and general income per person! When the new regulations take place this could bring an intense boost on revenues, which would also mean bigger jackpots and games payout for the players!
The brilliant revenues were made possible above all by sports bet and the all time players favorite – slot machines.
Also games like poker, roulette and live blackjack are growing at a big speed. The reports also claim that people are trying new gambling games as they eventually get tired of the usual ones, and want a new way of making some nice money. It also says that before they had a tendency for a poker player to stay a poker player. But now things are different. Poker players somehow turn into big online roulette players and eventually slots or any other online game.
SRIJ concludes that more and more people are using this casino websites to play the bets they would normally put on physical casinos and also in the government owned lotteries. People see those gambling websites as an easier way to place their bets without the risk of breaking the law.
If you want to start gambling online simply check our review section where we cover honest reviews about online casinos 100% legal on your country.